What's the donor experience like at your organization? Do you have good stewardship? Do you have speedy gift ac
Category: Free Resources
How to Get Your Donors to Open Your Email Newsletter
[yourchannel video="elMjynMYCxE"] This week, let's look at your email newsletters. A lot of times when we're writing our email newsletters, and e
How to Write 3 Minute Thank You Notes Today, we're talking about handwritten thank you notes. We need to do them. We need to thank our donors. If you don
How to Manage Your Grants, So They Don’t Manage You This week's featured resrouce is our grant calendar template. What's a grant calendar template you ask? Very simp
Your Key to Year Over Year Fundraising Event Growth If you're in the middle of planning a big fundraising event, you're probably already dreaming of that day where you
Are You Sure You’re Reporting Impact to Your Donors? Are you telling your donors what you actually do with their donations? Do you report on impact? Do you tell them wh
How to Speed Up Your Grant Preparation Time Grants are a great way of raising dollars, but they take a lot of time. Writing those proposals is so time consumi
Thank You Letter Checklist [free download]
So your year end appeal is written and off to the mail house...You've setup some pre-holiday visits with your key donors. Lapsed donor lists are
Donor Relations Guru Library: A Treasure Trove of Fundraising Communication Samples
Okay, so here's one of my secrets that really shouldn't be a secret ... The other day one of my clients said "Chad, you have a sample for ever
Super Simple Elevator Speech Template [free download]
How do you talk about your nonprofit organization? How do your board members talk about your organization? Are they nervous? If so, they're