What’s this? It’s a fundraising inspiration bank. It’s fotos/photos of what other fundraisers have done in just about every category that you can think of. Not every image portrays fundraising best practice, but it’s not meant to teach … it’s meant to inspire.
So browse, get inspired and then come back and add your photos. All fotos/photos are submitted and posted without any detail (so no one will be calling you to ask how you did it … and please don’t ask us how to get in touch with a submitter). Let’s work together to eliminate that “where they heck do I start” or “how do I change it up this year” analysis paralysis.
Oh, and there are prizes! For every 100 fotos/photos posted we make a $500 USD donation to one nominated nonprofit organization! So every submission raises $5 for an important cause!
The Fundraising Foto File is brought to you by our generous sponsors …

direct mail appeals
donation boxes
donor signage & plaques
donor walls
email appeals
event centerpieces
event invitations
event programs
groundbreaking ceremonies
holiday cards
registration tables
ribbon cutting ceremonies
silent auction tables
stewardship pieces
thank you gifts
wine pulls