Productive Fundraising’s fundraising appeals toolkit contains all of the resources mentioned in our presentations and webinars as editable templates. This fundraising appeals toolkit also contains five (or more) optimized, real-life fundraising appeal sample documents. This toolkit is designed to fast track your implementation of fundraising appeals.
The Fundraising Appeals Toolkit Contents Includes:
- Keys to Super Charged Fundraising Appeals Guide
- Appeal Writing Checklist
- Appeal Letter Template
- Ask String Calculator
- Mailed Solicitation Follow Up Email Template
- Mailed Solicitation Follow Up Call Script
- 4 Optimized Appeal Samples (that increased response — doubled in some cases — from the normal, boring, organization-centric appeal that the organization had been sending)
- Most Effective Envelope Samples
Unlimited access to ALL of our fundraising toolkits is offered through the @fundraiserchad All Access Pass. Purchase your pass today!