18AugAugust 18, 2020 By Chad Barger, CFRE How to Pull Off Live Streaming Video (Julia Campbell) All the talk of taking events virtual and engaging donors digitally in recent months typically boils down to one solution … live streaming Continue Reading→
29JulJuly 29, 2020 By Chad Barger, CFRE Information Overload: A Strategy to Help You Cope (Cal Newport) Wow ... there's so much news these days. It's been coming at us faster than we can consume it since at least March. And it's exhausting! Continue Reading→
03SepSeptember 6, 2019 By Chad Barger, CFRE Quit Searching for the Fundraising Fountain of Youth https://youtu.be/UXoJQra_OVQ In this post I'd like to address a growing pet peeve of mine... It seems that every time I go to a fundraising Continue Reading→
29AugNovember 24, 2019 By Chad Barger, CFRE Why You Need an Editorial Calendar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwkNet7Ynyc What is an editorial calendar? It is a document used to map out every communication for a set time Continue Reading→
11JunSeptember 6, 2019 By Chad Barger, CFRE Julia Campbell: What Facebook’s Shift to Privacy Means for Nonprofit Marketers Has Facebook become a challenge for your nonprofit organization? Have you found your level of engagement to be steadily dropping? Does itContinue Reading→
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